Unlock the Secret to the Day of the Week Instantly!

Determining the day of the week for significant events like births, weddings, deaths, or any other historical or future date is simple with a little math. Follow these easy steps to calculate the day for any date, whether it's from the past or future, all the way back to the 1700s.

Formula to Find the Day of the Week: (D + M + Y + [Y/4]) mod 7

Here is a simple method to find the day of the week for any given date using just your mind:

D = Date

M = Number corresponding to the month

Y = Last two digits of the year

[Y/4] = Remainder when the last two digits of the year (Y) are divided by 4

Numbers for the Month (Table-1)


Numbers for the Day of the Week (Table-2)

Month Number   Year < 2000 Year >= 2000


Type-I Type-II
January 1/0* Saturday 0 1
February 4/3* Sunday 1 2
March 4 Monday 2 3
April 0 Tuesday 3 4
May 2 Wednesday 4 5
June 5 Thursday 5 6
July 0 Friday 6 0
August 3      
September 6      
October 1      
November 4      
December 6      

* For leap years, consider January as 0 and February as 3.

Find the Day of the Week for 30-01-1985

To calculate the day of the week, use the formula: Day = (D + M + Y + (Y/4)) mod 7

Now, apply the values in the formula:

(30 + 1 + 85 + 21) mod 7 = 137 mod 7

Dividing 137 by 7 gives a remainder of 4.

Therefore, the day is Wednesday.

(Note: Since the birth year is less than 2000, refer to Table-2 under Type-I for this calculation.)

Find the Day of the Week for 01-01-2015

To calculate the day of the week, use the formula: Day = (D + M + Y + (Y/4)) mod 7

Now, apply the values in the formula:

(1 + 1 + 15 + 3) mod 7 = 20 mod 7

Dividing 20 by 7 gives a remainder of 6.

Therefore, the day is Thursday.

(Note: Since the year is greater than 2000, refer to Table-2 under Type-II for this calculation.)

Find the Day of the Week for 15-08-1947 (India's Independence Day)

To calculate the day of the week, use the formula: Day = (D + M + Y + (Y/4)) mod 7

Now, apply the values in the formula:

(15 + 3 + 47 + 11) mod 7 = 76 mod 7

Dividing 76 by 7 gives a remainder of 6.

Therefore, the day is Friday.

(Note: Since the year is less than 2000, refer to Table-2 under Type-I for this calculation.)

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