9887341094234585×9999999999999999 Solve it in 30 seconds?
In this section, we will explore a special multiplication technique used when a number is multiplied by another number composed entirely of the digit "9", such as 99, 999, and so on.
The techniques "All from 9 and the last from 10" and "Vertically and Crosswise" simplify the process of multiplying numbers close to a base, making calculations straightforward.
The square of numbers close to a base can be easily calculated using this formula: "Subtract the deficiency from the number, then add the square of the deficiency."
By applying Vedic Maths techniques like "Nikhilam Sutra," you can quickly find cube roots by identifying the closest perfect cube and refining the estimate through simple steps.
The "Magic Number" trick is a fun and simple math puzzle that gives the illusion of mind-reading. By following a series of basic steps, you can perform a mathematical operation that leads to a surprising outcome.